Another Awesome Week in the 3's!
We had a quick week this week in the 3's class, but we had lots of fun!
Quick reminder: There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow the 15th, or next week, the 21st and 22nd.
Our book today was What Will Hatch? by Jennifer Ward. We took a look at different size, shape, and color eggs, and got to guess what would hatch out of it! From crocodiles and caterpillars to penguins and robins, we learned a lot.
What was NEW in centers today?
Art- The children decorated their own "eggs" (paper plate) and chose a animal from our book to go inside it.
Easel- We painted using plastic eggs
Math- Number and picture sequencing puzzles, and picture modeling
Playdough- Plastic flowers and flower dough cutters
Pretend- The children took very good care of babies.
Discovery- We experimented with how to get the bears across the lava without letting them fall in!
Block area- Potato heads were added.
We hope you all have a wonderful and safe April break!
Christina Renoni & Brenda Daday
