Another Great Week in Pre-K 1!
Hi Everyone,
We began a new Reading Street Unit, Who Lives Here? Our first book in this unit was Sweet Dreams, How Animals Sleep by Kimiko Kajikawa. "In rhythmic words and affecting pictures, this inviting picture book introduces young children to a world of sleeping creatures. Some animals, like bats, sleep upside down, while others like koalas and lions, snore up in the trees." We talked about how and where the different animals sleep. And where and how we all sleep too. The children enjoyed this book so much. Today as we read it, I would name the animal and the children would show how it sleeps before I actually showed the picture in the book.
Our Reading Street Song was Where Are You Sleeping? The vocabulary words this week were doze, float, hang, koalas, rest and sloths.
Welcome Spring! We read Hello Spring! by Shelley Rotner, Spring Changes by Ellen Senisi and The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman.
Our Letter of the Week was N. Our Letter Sound Song was On a November, Night, Night, Night.
Art Easel: We started the week with watercolors and ended with colored pencils to use.
Project Table: N is for Nest....materials to make a nest. Cute birds, people, eggs and worms were added. Even a couple birds that are basketball fans! These will be on display on our Bulletin Board.
Spring Foam cut outs were out for free art too.
Sensory Table: Fairy gardens
Play-doh: Now we have Spring flower cookie cutters, eggs, bunnies and carrots to use.
Listening Center: The Ninjabread Man by C.J. Leigh
Today, we took a walk upstairs to Fellowship Hall to check out all the hard work going on in preparation of tomorrow's Spaghetti Supper. The children were all excited to see. I hope you have a great time if you are able to attend!
Looking ahead, Show & Tell for Letter W will be on Wednesday. Our last Spirit Day for March will be on Thursday. It is Amazing Athletes Day-come to school dressed like you are going to play your favorite sport.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
