April Fun in Pre-K 1
Hi Everyone,
What a way to end the week before April Vacation....seeing snowflakes outside our window! We had a lot of fun during Inside Recess today. The children had fun playing musical chairs, doing an obstacle course and playing the rhythm sticks.
Our Reading Street Book this week was Over in the Meadow by Olive Wadsworth. "Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun lived an old mother turtle and her little turtle one. So begins this classic nursery poem, a favorite counting rhyme for generations of children." Our vocabulary words were sand, hole, beehive, meadow, barn and nest. Our Reading Street song was Living in the Meadow.
We also read If You're Happy and You Know It by James Warhola, Superbat by Matt Carr and Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses by Kimberly Dean.
Other activities in our classroom this week were:
Math Table: This was very popular spot....different shape magna tiles to build with on the light table.
Discovery: Microscopes and insect slides. Also, paper and markers if the children wanted to draw what they saw when they looked through the microscope.
Listening Center: Llama Llama and the Bully Goat by Anna Dewdney.
Writing Table: We were working on Letter Y which is a tricky one to write. And also working on scissor skills. I made many "paper plate people" for the children to practice cutting their hair. They liked making the faces on the people and then cutting the hair.
Project Table: Lacing yarn through the Letter Y and decorating it too
Y is for yo-yo....the children traced their hand, glued yarn for the string and added a yo-yo
Earth Day Coloring Sheets
Art Easel: Drip Drop Painting...there was a waiting list each day to do this. The children did a great job with the pipettes, learning to squeeze & let it go to fill it with paint. Then they would squeeze it at the top of their paper and explore the painting process.
Today, the children created wet chalk drawings.
Our Letter of the Week will be Z when we return to school.
I hope you all have a nice vacation week!
Mrs. Kelley
