Celebrating love and friendship in the 3's
Good afternoon 3’s families,
Another fun week in the 3’s! We have been getting lots of practice with putting on snow clothes the past couple of weeks. During their years at preschool, we use a routine to teach them how to get dressed for snow. The steps are:
1) Sit down and take shoes off, put shoes in bag.
2) Put snow pants on.
3) Put boots on.
4) Put coat, hat, mittens on.
Right now, we are working on step 1. After we have that step mastered, we will move on to the next step. If you have a few extra minutes at home, allow your child the time to pull on their snow pants themselves. Have them try it independently once or twice a week, this is a great step towards being able to dress themselves!
This week at CIRCLE TIME,
· We read If You’ll Be My Valentine by Cynthia Rylant. It’s about a little boy who makes valentine cards for his family members and pets. He even makes a heart necklace for his snowman, just like the ones we made in school this week!
· Music and Movement Songs: Stand-Up Sit-Down song by Rick Goldin (This is a new favorite, you can find it on YouTube!), Freeze Dance, Bear Hunt
What’s new in CENTERS this week?
Art: Students made beaded necklaces. It was tricky for them to put the beads onto the string, but they worked hard at it. There were also paper hearts, stamps and heart stickers out for children that wanted to make valentines for their friends or families.
Discovery Bins: Gross motor practice this week with ring toss. Children tossed rings into heart shaped buckets.
Yellow Bins: Teachers led a small group activity at this center. They played a fishing game. Children took turns using the fishing pole to catch their matching fish. The boys and girls are working on:
* Waiting for their turn.
* Using language such as “my turn” and “it’s your turn”.
* Handing the game piece to the next person.
This morning, the kiddos delivered their valentines to each friend’s mailbag. They also decorated sugar cookies (made by Mrs. Renoni) with frosting, sprinkles and chocolate chips (allergen-free).
*Be sure to check out BOTH attachments to see lots of pictures from our fun week!*
We hope you all have a warm and safe February break next week. This is a difficult winter for all of us, so hang in there! We look forward to welcoming all our friends back to school on Thursday, February 25th!
Your teachers,
Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni
