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Countdown to Summer in Pre-K 1!

Hi All,

It is hard to believe that the year is just about over! We are fitting lots of fun in each day and a highlight this week was "Pre K's Got Talent". The children were so excited and everyone kept their talent a secret until it was their turn to go.

Talents shown were:

Alaina: Ballet Dancing

Huck: Breakdancing to Number Rock

Thomas: Dinosaur Facts

Austin: Dribbling 2 basketballs at once

Ella: Gymnastics

Abby: Dancing to Shake It Off

Kaylee: Dancing & gymnastic moves to Boomerang

Addy: Singing & dancing to One Kiss

Our Reading Street book this week is A Rainbow All Around Me. This was a great book to end the year with, as we have talked so much about the world around us and how our differences are what makes it such a wonderful place!

We also read The Letters are Lost by Lisa Campbell Ernst and At One In A Place called Maine by Lynn Plourde.

Other activities:

Project Table: On Monday, we worked on a new decoration for our Bulletin Board.

On Tuesday, we worked on self portraits.

On Wednesday, the children were able to make a rainbow wind chime.

Today, the children were able to make a symmetrical butterfly. They painted one wing and then folded the other on top and pressed to make this creation. They really enjoyed this and I told them it would be out again on Tuesday.

Listening Center: The bunnies are back...Tippy-Tippy-Tippy Splash! by Candace Fleming.

Art Easel: Dark paper and wet chalk made some wonderful creations!

Math Table: Counting mats and fish

The children have been having a lot of fun playing Tic-Tac-Toe at Puzzles and Games over the last few weeks. This week they were also enjoying playing Memory.

We have been reviewing the letters of the alphabet, letter sounds, numbers and shapes.

We will be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day.

Have a wonderful long weekend. I will see you all on Tuesday!


Mrs. Kelley


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