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Ending January in Enrichment

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone is staying cozy and warm these past few days! We certainly have been in our classroom! 15 people moving/dancing/playing keeps us nice and warm, even on the coldest days!

This week we read the classic The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. It's about Peter, who goes outside on a very snowy day and discovers all sorts of things! He likes hearing the creaking sound his feet make in the snow, making tracks, snowmen, and snow angels. If you haven't read it, check it out, especially considering what could be coming this weekend!

What was NEW in centers this week?

Art- On Monday and Tuesday the children colored coffee filters with markers and sprayed them with water to watch the colors spread out and mix together. When the coffee filters dried we put them in "snowflake tacos" with patterns on them to make snowflakes! They're now hanging in the hallway outside our classroom! The kids were so proud of themselves for what they had made!

Easel- We used white paint and Q-Tips to make a snowy scene, then glued a cutout of Peter from our book this week!

Math- We used all sorts of vehicles to drive down the road and park in numbered spaces, and to make shapes!

Discovery- Erupting snowballs! Using eye droppers and pipettes we observed what happened when we put vinegar on top of "snowballs" (baking soda, shaving cream, and blue glitter) Ask your kiddos what they saw and/or heard?

Block area- There were magnifying glasses to do some detective work around the room. They were great at looking for clues!

We're still loving taking care of our animals in the pretend center!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Christina Renoni and Brenda Daday


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