February Fun in the 3's
Hi everyone!
Even though it was only one day, we had a great time at school!
VALENTINE'S DAY CELEBRATIONS! We'll be celebrating Valentine's Day in the 3's class on Friday, Feb. 18th. The kids are welcome to bring in Valentine's cards for their friends, if you'd like. There are 13 children total, in our class. No food or candy please. We ask that you only fill in the "FROM" portion of the card to make it possible for the children to deliver them themselves. We will be making Valentine's bags in school, so no need to make anything extra there. We'll also give the kids the option of decorating graham crackers with frosting and sprinkles during snack time! We're keeping allergies and dietary restrictions in mind, but will send along the ingredients lists in next week's email.
Our book yesterday was OLYMPIG! by Victoria Jamieson. We read about a pig who wanted to compete in the animal Olympics, and even though others told him there were stronger and faster animals he tried hard, trained, and kept a positive attitude. And when he lost event after event, hearing his mother say that she was proud of him gave him the strength to keep going.
What's NEW in centers?
Art- The children created their own Olympic torches with aluminum foil and crepe paper.
Easel- Using mini solo cups and paint we made our own Olympic rings!
Math- Olympic color sorting with all sorts of things that we use in our classroom.
Playdough- Our playdough this month is purple with Valentine's cookie cutters and plastic hearts for making fun creations.
Discovery- We explored happy and sad emotions with dolls, puzzles, and mirrors to make funny faces with!
Block area- We played with trains, a train rug, school buses and wooden people.
Literacy cart- Bubble gum machines filled with capital letters and magnetic gumballs with matching letters were lots of fun!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.
Have a happy and safe weekend!
Christina Renoni
Brenda Daday
