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Feeling Thankful in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Age families!

We were very busy in the classroom this week! All week we have practiced our song to perform at the Friendship Feast next week. The lyrics to our song Albuquerque Turkey are included below. PLEASE encourage them to practice it this weekend! The lyrics are sung to the tune of “Oh My Darling, Clementine”. The Friendship Feast will take place on Monday 11/20 and our class is responsible for bringing packaged apple slices. We need 7 boxes of apple slices in total. If you are able to help contribute, please respond to this email and let me know.

On Monday, Mr. G visited our class and read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. It is always a treat when he visits and we all look forward to him reading to us. 

On Thursday we all enjoyed pajama day, and I was so happy to have our entire class participate. The kids were so excited to show off their pjs that I decided we needed to have a fashion show during our morning meeting. We turned up RuPaul and the kids delivered their best walks and dance moves!

We continue to work as a class to put our coats on “the Jack and Jill way”: tag to the toes, arms in the holes, and up and over the head it goes. Encouraging them to practice this at home will help them be successful and proud in the classroom!

Here’s a recap of what we did this week, in addition to our sensory, play-dough, and imaginative play stations:

Discovery: We have been talking a lot about the weather in our class recently, so I brought out the weather sloth. The friends were able to set the weather for the day on the sloth’s dial, and then dress him appropriately for the weather. 

Math: At the math table this week we had fruit loops and rainbow colored feathers. The friends worked on strengthening their “pinchy” fingers to sort the fruit loops by color and thread them onto the feather of the corresponding color. 

Art: Our class worked hard on thier thankful trees this week, tracing hands and practicing their glue stick skills. We also had a few great conversations with Mrs. Lay about what it means to be thankful and we discussed what we are all thankful for. A few of my favorites were Food, Rainbows, and Trains.



Here Comes the Sun

Twist and Shout

Fruit Salad


Let it Go

Supermodel (for the pj fashion show!)



Harry the Dirty Dog

Grumpy Monkey

Caps for Sale

All Are Welcome Here

Have a great weekend!

Katy Fyrberg


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