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Hello March in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

Happy March! We are starting an exciting new Seeds of STEM unit this month: Habitats. This week we learned that habitats are where people and animals live and they provide: food, water, shelter and air. We also learned a little bit about the FOREST habitat. Over the next few weeks, we will explore other habitats and then move on to some more problem solving skills. I think that the children will really enjoy this unit!


Story: "Over in the Forest" by Marianne Berkes, “Who lives here” by Kathleen Rizzi

Skills: handwriting the letter S, Reading Street Song: “Let’s Set Sail (letter S), finding the letter S

Seeds of STEM Focus: intro new vocabulary, exploring photos of homes around the world, sorting animals into forest and ocean habitats, building a forest in our sensory table

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- forest art with paint, paper, scissors, glue and animal cutouts, animal footprint painting at the easel

Blocks- magnatiles, wooden blocks, wooden people, Octonauts toys, ocean animals

Dramatic Play- Animal Hospital with stuffed animals, vet tools, vet bench, X-rays, animal carriers, bathtub

Writing/Library- books about habitats and animals, Handwriting without Tears materials for practicing the letter S, forest drawing papers

Playdough: yellow playdough with desert animals and cacti

Math- color matching birds and nests sensory bin

Science- building shelters for people, birds and lions

Sensory Table- red and orange plastic straws (LAVA) and dinosaurs

Wishing everyone a fun and restful weekend. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!


Brenda Daday


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