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Important Health Information

Dear Families,

We have had a great first few weeks of school. We are noticing an increase in children coming to school with illness symptoms. We have not implemented a daily health attestation because we were hopeful that families would screen children at home for illness symptoms. It is imperative that you keep your child home if they are experiencing illness symptoms. A clear runny nose could be a sign of allergies however a thick runny nose is something that needs to be addressed with you family doctor. Additionally, if your child has a runny nose which is requiring them to get a new mask multiple times throughout the day, they should stay home. A cough is a symptom that requires your child to stay home, and your family doctor must be consulted. We do need a note from your doctor prior to returning to school. Please consult with the attached decision tree each morning before school. If your child has no symptoms and you send your child to school, then you are SELF-CERTIFYING that your child is healthy and ready to fully participate in the school day.

We appreciate everyone’s support in this to help us to provide a great preschool year!

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Be well,

Katrina Lay



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