January Adventures in 5 Day Pre-K!
Hi All,
A quick housekeeping item to start...please send a hat and mittens to school every day. I am noticing that many children do not have what they need when we are going outside for recess.
Our Reading Street Book this week was A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle. "A hermit crab who has outgrown his old shell moves into a new one, which he decorates and enhances with the various sea creatures he meets in his travels." Our Reading Song was I'm a Little Hermit Crab. Our vocabulary words were crab, decorate, empty, shell, inside and outgrown.
We also read If You Give A Pig A Pancake by Laura Numeroff and Snowball by Sue Hendra.
Our Letter of the Week was P. Our song was Pip the Parrot.
Project Table: Paper Plate Pie
Pieces to create a pig
Easel: Pom Pom Painting-this was very popular. A pom pom was attached to a clothes pin, the children dipped it into the paint and created beautiful pictures.
Math Table: Pop It Math
Discovery Table: The children worked hard at making the cars move by adding magnetic discs and using magnetic wands.
Listening Center: How Do Dinosaurs Go to School by Jane Yolen.
Sensory Table: The creativity at this Center increases each week. I love to see all the wonderful ideas the children are coming up with. They are practicing their scissor skills, punching holes, threading pipe cleaners, peeling stickers and ripping tape.
On Monday, Mr. G read Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller. Mrs. G visited on Thursday. We sang Bluebird and enjoyed helping out with the story of Andrew's Got A Bogo Stick.
Looking ahead, Show & Tell for Letter B will be on Wednesday.
Also, Jack and Jill's Open House is TODAY from 9:30-11:30 if you or anyone you know is interested in stopping by!
Mrs. Kelley
