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Learning in a Winter Wonderland in Enrichment!

Good afternoon, everyone!

We got to play in the SNOW this week! It's hard to believe by looking or being outside today, but we enjoyed the snow while it was here!

Monday started out with a visit from Mr. G, who read us The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. It gave us something to think about, hearing about the rainbow fish giving away his scales to share with everyone! As he shared, he found that he liked it, and liked playing with the other fish!

Wednesday, Ms. Heather from Drama Kids came for a visit. We pretended to go for a walk in the woods, helped her on her ice cream truck, and lots of other things. 

Our book this week was The Mitten, by Jan Brett. Yup! Another Jan Brett book! The kids enjoyed her art so much last week we decided to keep the fun going. This time, they got to be in the story themselves! The children were given the opportunity to color masks to represent the different animals that are in the book. As we read the book today our animals got to squeeze their way into our own Enrichment "mitten"! Uh oh, though! The bear sneezed and everyone went flying out of the mitten! The kids loved really being a part of the story! I hope you get to hear about it at home!

What was NEW in centers this week?

Art- We colored, and glued the animals from our story into a mitten outline.

Easel- The children could color their animal masks for use in our morning meeting today!

Math- Snow family number puzzle- We put a picture of a snow family together with the numbers 1-5 at the bottom to help!

Discovery- Building zoos, beds, and trees for the animals to climb kept our imaginations and construction minds hard at work!

This is a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL next Monday the 15th. We'll see you all on Wednesday the 17th!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Christina Renoni and Julie Haynes


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