Lots of Learning in 5 Day Pre-K!
Hello All,
I wanted to thank you for taking the time for conferences on Monday. It was nice to have the opportunity to discuss your children.
Our Reading Street book this week was another book from our Transportation Unit. Our story was My Truck Is Stuck! by Kevin Lewis. We talked about what happened in the beginning, middle and at the end of the story. Our Reading Street song was Country Road. Our vocabulary words were dump truck, road, tug, tow truck, stuck and load. Our Letter of the Week was O. Our song was Olive Spots Rocks. We also read Lazy Ozzie by Michael Coleman and All Our Welcome by Alexandra Penfold. Our Sensory Table is now a Fairy Garden....homes, fairies, animals, rocks & jewels are amongst coffee beans & paper straw. This has been a popular spot during Center Time. Our play doh is now green with gold sparkles. There are holiday cookie cutters too. Project Table: Free Art-white paper, glue, crayons & leaves. We also painted owls with scrub brushes. Art Easel: Octopus worksheets & dot markers Listening Center: Outside by Deirdre Gill. Math Table: Pattern Puzzles Discovery Table: Building with marshmallows & toothpicks. Looking ahead, our Letter of the Week will be Q. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday. Have a great weekend! Sincerely, Mrs. Kelley
