March Madness
Dear Parents,
March is a long month with no real break from the day to day routine! We are going to have a little fun at Jack and Jill! March Madness begins soon! Please mark your calendars for these fun spirit days!
Wednesday 3/3 and Friday 3/5

Color a streak or the whole head, put in 15 pony tails, do whatever you’d like to achieve the perfect hairstyle!
Wednesday 3/10 and Friday 3/12

Roll out of bed and come to school!
Don’t forget to brush your teeth first!
Wednesday 3/17 and Friday 3/19

Dress as you favorite Disney Character or wear a Disney shirt! Please no make-up.
Wednesday 3/24 and Friday 3/26

Dress in tie dye today!
Wednesday 3/31

Each class will have a specific color. Please keep an eye out for an email from your teacher about your class color.