More December Fun in the 3's!
Good afternoon 3’s families,
Since we only had one day of school this week, this is just a quick update about our day! We are starting to talk a lot about feelings and will be focusing on social and emotional skills over the next few weeks (and beyond!). Today we read a book about happiness and talked about things that make us happy. We will continue to focus on a variety of feelings, and talk about why we feel the way we do, but most importantly, that ALL feelings are ok!
At the art table we used marbles to paint candy canes. These will be hanging in the hallway so be sure to check them out when you come in for conferences on Thursday!
At the play dough table we used face mats to create faces.
At the easel we used mirrors and Velcro pieces to create different facial expressions.
These things along with some time on the playground, our cocoa and cookies pretend center, blocks and puzzles made for a fun day!
Have a great evening!
Ashlee Taylor & Christina Renoni
