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More March Excitement in Enrichment!

Good afternoon, everyone!

Just a reminder, there is no school next Monday, the 13th for staff professional development.

While March technically started last week, we started our March "theme" this week. While March is typically rainy, cold, and a month most people in New England just have to "get through", it's one of my favorite months! 1. It's the start of baseball season (both professionally, and for those in Little League)!

2. It's Music In Our Schools Month!!

Our book this week was Never Play Music Right Next To the Zoo, by John Lithgow. A funny book, with an audio recording read by the author himself, we hear about a boy who went to a concert in the park with his family. As the warm air and the beautiful music puts him to sleep he sees the animals from the zoo next door break out of their cages, and take over the orchestra! We learned about some of the instruments in an orchestra when we watched a video where a boy, George, went to visit the Sydney Youth Philharmonic and was introduced to the different sections, instruments, and even got to conduct! Finally, today, we got to try our hand at an instrument we heard about... the trombone! Everyone was given the chance to help Mrs. Renoni play!

It sparked lots of great conversations about instruments they have in their own homes, and playing them with you!

What was NEW in centers?

Art- The children made rainbows, and added pots of gold and shamrocks to their creations!

Easel- Sponge painted shamrocks

Math- The children strung beads onto pipe cleaners to make rainbows

Playdough- This month brings green playdough with gold glitter!

Writing table- The children are tracing a path to find the rainbow and pot of gold with white boards and white board markers.

Sensory table- Last week the children helped to dye beans for the table, and now they get to play in them!

We hope you all have a safe and healthy rest of the week, and weekend!

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Christina Renoni, Ashlee Taylor, and Erica Derbyshire


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