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More October Fun In Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families, I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having, I know at school the kids have been loving recess time and really enjoying the rakes we have had out the past week. Please make sure you are having your child go to the bathroom each morning before they come into the classroom, Thank you in advance. BOOK GRAMS: Please remember to buy your book grams next week; if you did not get a chance to get them at the Fall Festival. Each child will be delivered the books that were ordered for them during school in November. This is always so exciting for them when they receive their books. Please reach out to one of us or to Mrs. Lay if you have any questions. We have started a Star Jar in our classroom and when the jar is full of stars we will have a special activity i.e. wear your pajamas to school, a special snack or some other exciting idea that we will come up with. The kids have been working hard being good listeners and coming right over to the letter rug when we are getting ready for our circle time or our dancing time. Keep up the good work!!! Math Table~ Numbered Jack-o-lanterns Discovery Table~ Spider catch in spider webs using tweezers Easel~ Water color painting onto festive fall pictures Art/Writing~ 5 Little pumpkins sitting on a gate craft & leaf sun catchers. There was also letter C sheets, crab and cupcake stampers to use as well as coloring sheets. Some of the kids are practicing writing the letters of their names using their name cards as a guide. Sensory Table~ Black beans, plastic spiders, star beads along with tweezers and cups. Books: Glad Monster/Sad Monster By Ed Emberley Do you Want to be my Friend By Eric Carle We're Going on a Bear Hunt By Michael Rosen Wonky Donkey By Craig Smith ( we listened to this on CD) Music: Bear Hunt Wiggling Dance Freeze Dance Glad to see You Animal Action We are the Dinosaurs Number Rock Sesame Street Y.M.C.A Our next letter is D, please bring in 1 item for show and tell on Monday morning. Have a wonderful weekend!! Regards, Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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