Moving in March in 5 Day Pre-K!
Hi Everyone,
On Friday, we took a walk upstairs to Fellowship Hall to check out all of the hard work going on in preparation of Jack & Jill's Fundraiser-Show & Dinner to go! This event will be on Saturday, March 16th. The children were excited to see all of the opportunity raffle baskets. There are so many wonderful prizes! Mrs. Lay sent out a reminder message yesterday about this event. Raffle tickets are available to purchase even if you are unable to make it to the interactive music show.
There will be no school on Monday, March 11th. It is a Professional Development Day for the teachers.
Show & Tell for letter V will be on Wednesday.
Thursday is our next Spirit Day: Country Showdown. Dress in country or country club attire.
Our Reading Street Book was Growing Like Me by Anne Rockwell. "Everything in nature grows up-just like you and me! It's springtime, and the local pond is bursting with new life. Shiny black pollywogs are growing into frogs and baby robins hatch from pale blue eggs. The blackberry bushes are full of sweet, juicy berries and the new monarch butterflies emerge from their cocoons." Our vocabulary words were blossoms, hatch, caterpillar, growing, pollywog and pond. We talked a lot about the changes we will be seeing as the weather gets warmer and it becomes Spring. I told the children to look around outside to see what is changing. Our Reading Street Song was I Am Growing.
Our Letter of the Week was A. Our Letter Sound Song was Clap, Clap, Clap for the Animal Act.
We also read Alan's Big Scary Teeth by Jarvis and Alphabet Rescue by Audrey Wood.
Our Pretend Center is now a school. There is a Easel with a dry erase board and chalkboard, calendar, weather chart, pointers, and many children eager to be the teacher!
Our play doh is now green and the children love the silicone molds that are now out.
Other activities included:
Listening Center: Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney
Art Easel: Shape stamps were used. The children were busy coloring in the shapes and turning them into different objects.
Math: Geoboards with elastics were used to create objects, shapes and even some musical instruments.
Project Table: Alligator....pieces to create the letter A and turn it into an alligator Red Fish, Blue Fish Craft...the children turned their handprint into a fish. They did a great job of using the ink pads and stamping their own hands.
Sensory Table: Dinosaurs, mulch and wood blocks
Discovery: Rods and connecters
You may have heard that I have been having "meetings" with the children. I have been doing Assessments and always enjoy having the opportunity to sit one on one.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
