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November Memories in 5 Day Pre-K!


Thank you very much to the families that reached out to me regarding the email I sent out on Tuesday. I appreciate you talking to your children about listening and treating everyone kindly.

Our Centers have changed for the month of November. Our Pretend Center is now a Farm Stand. There are items to sell and a cash register to use. We now have potato head pieces & feathers to use with play doh.

Our Reading Street Book last week was Wynken, Blynken & Nod by Eugene Field. "Wynken, Blynken & Nod takes children on a magical journey into the night sky where three fishermen sail in a wooden shoe, capturing the stars in net of silver and gold and laughing with the moon. And when the nighttime adventure comes to an end, the wooden shoe brings the fishermen home to the real world of a child fast asleep." Our Reading Street song was Come and Pretend With Me. Our vocabulary words were dew, fishermen, river, fish, nets and waves.

We also read Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland and The Night Before Thanksgiving by Natasha Wing.

Other Activities included:

Math Table: Sorting by shape and color and extending patterns.

Art Easel: Dot markers, scarecrows and white paper for free art

Project Table: C is for crab....some children were able to cut out their own pieces for this project. I loved seeing the details some friends added to their paper after gluing the crab pieces on.

Letter C to turn into a caterpillar by gluing pom poms, googly eyes, pipe cleaners.

Discovery Table: This table was closed this week. You may have heard about the children having a "meeting" with me....assessments were taking place.

Our Letter of the Week was C. Our song was Can You Sit on the Cot? We talked about how making C strokes will help us to draw circles and make other letters too. We will continue learning about letter C this week.

Mrs. G (who is Mom to Mrs. Renoni, Enrichment/3's Teacher) came in to do music with us. She told the story of Cowboy Joe and the children loved saying "yee haw" along to the story. We also sang Teddy Bear as she played her ukulele.


Mrs. Kelley


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