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On to October in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

The first week of October was lots of fun in Pre-K 2. We started our new Seeds of STEM science curriculum. Students will learn all about the problem solving process and how engineers come up with solutions. The children picked up on it very quickly and had lots of fun finding problems throughout the day.


Weekly Story: “We're Going On a Leaf Hunt” by Steve Metzger and "The Runaway Pumpkin" by Kevin Lewis

Seeds of STEM Focus: What is a problem? Ask your child if they remember anything that was in our BOX OF PROBLEMS.

This week during SMALL GROUPS, we:

* Played a game introducing the students to positional language. For example, they had to put the bird ON the scarecrow's head and put the rake NEXT to the tree, etc.

* Played a board game to practice counting using one-to-one correspondence and recognizing quantities.

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- painting with pinecones, acorns, sticks and leaves, leaf stampers at the easel

Blocks- wooden blocks, magnatiles, princess and astronaut figures, monster trucks

Dramatic Play- Farmers Market, market stand with fruits and veggies, cash register, making cookies, muffins and apple cider, picking apples

Writing/Library- Books about fall, some favorite character stories, fall tracing worksheets, puppets

Playdough: orange, pumpkin scented playdough, pizza rollers, pumpkin cookie cutters, items for making pumpkin faces Math- labeling and tracing shapes with road mats and little vehicles. We also changed our linear calendar which allows us to count all of the days that we are in school during the month. I also print out a couple photos of things that we do each week and put them up on the calendar. This will help them to develop a beginning understanding of the passage of time and documenting experiences. Science- kinetic sand, pumpkin eggs, cups

Sensory Table- cutting practice this week with scissors, paper strips and straws

Community Helper Visit: Three wonderful ladies from Attleboro Pediatric Dentistry came in to read us a story and teach us about how to keep our teeth healthy. The children really enjoyed their presentation. If you're looking for a new dentist, check them out at

Thank you to everyone that donated recycled items and sent in family/pet photos. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing your little ones on Tuesday, October 11th.


Brenda Daday


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