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Our Last Full Week in Enrichment!

We've had some wonderful weather this week for recess and graduation practice. The spring weather is here!

Just a reminder: There is no school next Monday in observance of Memorial Day.

Our last day of school is next Wednesday, June 1st. We'd like to invite you (parents/caregivers/siblings) to join us on the playground that day from 12:30-1:00. We'll try to get outside a few minutes early so that we can be out when you arrive, but please keep in mind that we'll open the gate for you when we get outside, no need to call the office to let you in.

Our book this week was alphabet rescue by Audrey Wood. It's a fun story about little letters coming to the rescue and being able to help, even though they're small.

What was NEW in centers this week?

Art- The children cut letters out of magazines and glued them onto a giant alphabet that was hanging on the easel! They also did some summer drawing with stickers!

Math- Water beads were a big hit!

Pretend- We've opened a farmers market in the enrichment class! With a stand, fruits, vegetables, and flowers they've made quite a business.

Discovery- Dinosaurs in and observing our caterpillars make their chrysalis'.

Mrs. Daday played an underwater animal game with the students where they got to fish an egg out of the water, see what animal was inside, and cross it off on their game board. They did great taking turns!

They also practiced their letters and numbers on the chalkboard, and constructed lots of buildings.

We hope you all have a happy and safe Memorial Day, and we'll see you next Tuesday. Unless we see you tonight at Highland Park.


Christina Renoni and Brenda Daday


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