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Saying Goodbye to March in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to thank you all for taking the time to meet for Conferences on Tuesday. It was nice to have the opportunity to discuss your wonderful children!

It is hard to believe that the month of March is over. The days in our classroom go by so quickly! Our class had a lot of fun dressing up for all of the theme days in March.

Our Reading Street Book was What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? by Steve Jenkins. "Steven Jenkins and illustrator Robin Page explore the many amazing things animals can do with eyes, ears, mouth noses, feet and tails. Young readers will relish the mystery behind this interactive guessing book." The children truly enjoyed guessing what the animal was and what they did with their body part without seeing the whole animal. We continue to work on the skill of compare and we read about different things, we talk about how they are alike and how they are different.

Our vocabulary words this week were breathe, meal, animals, insects, hear and see.

We also read Mouse Was Mad by Linda Urban and Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash by Sarah Weeks.

Our Letter of the Week was W. Our Letter Sound Song was Walk This Way in Wet Weather.

Art Easel: Whale Pictures

Also, white paper, markers and colored pencils.

Project Table: Painting a watermelon....there was red and green paint and black beans that could be added for seeds. Some slices had many seeds, others just a few.

Clothesline Project...the children could create their own "wash" to put on the clothesline. They drew, cut and worked hard using their fingers to open the tiny clothes pins to hang the wash. One friend today even drew Mrs. McNosh from our story!

Math Table: Geoboards

Writing Table: W Worksheets and W letter hunt, chalkboards too

Discovery Table: Magnet Attraction...rods and balls

Listening Center: We Are The Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner.

Pretend Center: Our School continues to be busy each day! Jobs being given out, letters being made on the chalkboard, calendar being discussed and songs being sung.

Play Doh Table: We started the week with play doh. On Wednesday, we changed over to modeling clay. This was so popular with everyone. It was great to see all the wonderful ideas and items created. Bumblebees, a rabbit, a toothbrush with bristles, snowmen, insects, sandwiches, burritos, such creativity. These will go home on Monday.

Looking ahead, next week our Letter of the Week will be X. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday. A reminder that only one item should be brought in for Show & Tell.

Also, Picture Day for our class is on Wednesday.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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