Week 14 in Pre-K 2
Hello Pre K Families,
The letter of the week was C . We call it a magic C, because once you learn to make a letter C, you can make so may other letters! I introduced the children to the magic C bunny, ask them about it!
Next Letter is O, show and tell for letter O is on Tuesday.
This is what went on in the centers this week!
Art Table- This week the children painted a C using a cotton ball and a clothespin, made crowns, and crushed candy canes and glued the pieces to an ornament. Today we made Gingerbread girls and boys.
Discovery Table- This week at the table the children had to figure out how to put batteries in a flashlight to turn it on.
Art Easel- Finger print holiday lights.
Sensory Table- We have fairy gardens in the sensory bins.
Dramatic Play- This month there is a gift wrap center. The children have an opportunity to wrap a boxed gift for anyone in the classroom. The gifts are pieces of paper with a feeling or word about that friend written down. Some of the words used are – friend, love, kind, caring, funny and nice. The children love opening the boxes, and better yet giving the boxes.
Hopefully this explains the slips of paper coming home with a word and another child’s name!
Reading Street- A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle- Vocabulary words were-crab, shell, decorate, inside, empty and outgrown.
This story is about a hermit crab that decorates his shell so that he thinks his house is perfect. Then, when he outgrows his shell, he doesn’t want to leave his friends. We discussed main character, author and illustrator. We talked all about the plot of a story. A plot has three parts, ask your child and see if they can remember!!
Reading Street book song- I’m a Little Hermit Crab”
We also read.. When the Cows come Home and Pete the Cat, Groovy Buttons
Letter of the week song- Can you sit on a Cot?
Have a wonderful weekend!
