Week 2 in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
Our first full week of school is in the books. Everyone is settling in very nicely and following our daily school routine. Just a reminder to bring your child to the bathroom each morning before the classroom door opens, this will cut back on the interruptions during our morning meeting and center time, thank you in advance!
Here are the things we had at the centers this week:
Math Table~ Number apples 1-10 and black pompoms (seeds).
Discovery Table~ Building apple trees using tongue depressors, paper tube rolls and apple pompoms. This was a fun activity and they enjoyed using the materials at the table in different ways. They are very creative!!
Art Table~ On Monday the kids each made their own pencils using the letters of their names. They glued on the yellow squares for each letter of their name and then glued on the eraser and tip. They are now hanging on the bulletin board in the hallway. The rest of the week they made apples using red, green and yellow ripped paper. They loved using the glue this week.
Easel~ Painting with apples using red and yellow paint. Today the used stamps and markers to do free art.
Duck on a Bike By David Shannon
Pete the Cat Rocking on my School Shoes By Eric Litwin
Gray Rabbits 123 By Alan Baker
The very Busy Spider By Eric Carle
Wiggle your Fingers Hamster Dance
Listen and Move Bear Hunt
Freeze Dance Animal Action
Wiggling Dance
We wanted to touch base about the pick-up line. We have had more than 3 adults approach the gate at dismissal. It is difficult for us to know which adult is in the first 3 cars. The only adults that should be getting out of their vehicles at 12 are the adults in the first 3 vehicles. Once these 3 families have buckled their children in and driven away the next 3 vehicles should move up in the line with the next set of 3 lining up at the blue dumpster and back. We will continue this process until all the children are dismissed. If you are walking over to get your child we will have you step into the playground by the gate to wait until all the vehicles have left the pick-up line, at that time you may walk through the parking lot. Please do not approach the gate until 12. I know it is tempting to stand there and watch the children playing but when they see adults at the gate they think that it is time for dismissal and they don’t get their full outdoor play time. Please forward this information on to anyone who may be picking up your child from school. Thank you!!
Please reach out to either of us or Mrs. Lay with any questions.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
Mrs. Haynes & Mrs. Fyrberg
