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Week of January 25th in Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families,

We had a great week at school this week and they enjoyed playing outside in the freshly fallen snow. The kids had fun shoveling, sledding and making snow angels. Here is what we did inside the classroom this week.

Math Table~ Number lines with paperclips.

Discovery~ Animal bristle block figures. These are always a hit and the were busy making hats, crowns and attaching the animals into different shapes.

Art/Writing~ Coffee filter snowflakes; they colored the snowflakes with markers and then used a spray bottle to get the filter wet. When it dried it was a beautiful snowflake. They also had plain paper to draw pictures on.

Easel~ Watercolors paints and 3 winter pictures to choose from.

Listening Center~ A Bed for Bed By Clive McFarland

Block Area~ I put out a wooden parking garage for the kids to use while they are playing at the block rug. They loved it and did a good job sharing and taking turns.


The Itsy Bitsy Spider (Big Book)

The Three Snow Bears By Jan Brett

The Biggest, Best Snowman By Margery Cuyler


Freeze Dance

Wiggling Dance

Number Rock

Baby Shark

Show and Tell next week is the letter L. Please have your child bring in one item that begins with the letter L.

We are going to celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday Feb. 10 with a dance party in our classroom. There are 10 children in our class so if you would like to pass Valentine's to each one of them that would be great. We ask that there is no candy or things to eat that are brought in. Please have your child decorate a cereal or tissue box with a picture of them attached to it, this way when they deliver their cards they know whose box is whose. Thank you!!! I'm looking forward to celebrating with them.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Julie Haynes


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