Welcome Back in Pre-K 1!
Welcome to Pre-K!
I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all! Our class had a wonderful first week of school! Everyone is doing a great job of following our schedule and the new routines of our classroom.
This year each child has their own individual box of play doh and art supplies. Everyone is doing a great job identifying their first names when retrieving these.
We will be using the Reading Street Curriculum in our classroom. This week we learned the song "Time To Rhyme". It was a great introduction to the interactive charts of this curriculum. Many children told me they sang this song for their families 😊. We talked a lot about words that rhyme.
This week we read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn, Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple by A.H. Benjamin and listened to Pete The Cat Rocking In My School Shoes by Eric Litwin.
Of course we have also been having fun during our center time which included:
Discovery Table: Magnetic Building Set
Math Table: Colored Animals and Sorting Bowls. The children did a great of job sorting the animals by color. Some friends were even sorting by the type of animal.
Play Dough: We have red play dough. The children have been busy rolling it out, using the cookie cutters and scissors.
Pretend Center: The kitchen has been a hit! The children have been busy making meals and taking care of the babies.
Sensory Table: Our table is full of sand, sifters, scoopers, bowls, seashells and jewels. The jewels are very popular!
Art Easel: We had water color paints and white paper. It was great to see what the children decided to paint...rainbows, maps, scarecrows, butterflies, the sun and sky, and members of their family.
Project Table: The children were very excited to stamp their hand for the Kissing Hand project. I hope you all liked this keepsake. This was the busiest center in our classroom this week. I LOVE the excitement for the crafts and the the creativity the children have already shown! I had out coloring sheets, "school shoes" to decorate (went along with the Pete the Cat book), paper for free art, beads for lacing bracelets and a Chester the Raccoon craft.
Writing Table: Handwriting Without Tears doodle boards and worksheets
We ended our week today by doing yoga which everyone enjoyed.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
