Welcome Back in Pre-K 2!
Hello Pre K Families,
Welcome to Pre-K! We are very excited to start this new school year!
We are off to a great start in the Pre-K classroom. We are really getting to know each other and learning the daily schedule. We start everyday with circle time. First up is taking attendance, the children are raising their hands and proudly saying… here! We then assign the daily jobs. Our weather person gives us a weather report ,then the calendar person puts up the day's date.
Once all of our morning business is taken care of we get ready to go outside, led by our line leader.
After outside play and a healthy snack, we are back to circle for literacy. Twice a week this will be a book from the Reading Street curriculum, the other days the book is a seasonal story or a book to correspond with the letter of the week. Then it is time for centers! This is the children’s favorite part of the day. They are all doing a great job with the planning board, as they move from center to center they must also change their name on the planning board.
This week we read-
The Kissing Hand
Lucy Wears a Mask
Song- Time to Rhyme
We will be starting our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum 9/20 This includes the letter of the week. I will send more information about this in next week’s news!
This is what is going on in our centers!
Dramatic Play Center- This month we are using the kitchen, filled with food, cookware, utensils and dishes. There are also 3 babies that are receiving some wonderful care! The focus is on “family”.
Art Easel- Watercolors
Arts & Craft Center- We made handprints to correspond to the book “The Kissing Hand”. We also painted apple trees that need to dry over the weekend.
Everyday there is craft at the table, it is usually the child’s choice to make it or not.
** Once in a while there is a “have to” craft. This means a craft they must do that week at some point. The “have to” crafts are either for the bulletin board or the children’s portfolios.
Math Center- There are always 3-4 choices at the math table. This week some of the choices were, GeoBoards and counting peg boards.
Sensory Table- Beans and rocks.
Discovery Table – Magnets to build with
**We will start the Reading Street Curriculum next week.
We always read the reading Street book twice in one week. There is always a song that goes with the book. We sing the song and then read the story.
There is also a song that corresponds to the letter of the week.
***If you haven’t done so already, please send a change of clothing for your child. Please make sure these clothes are FALL clothing.
WE will go outside every day (weather permitting) please be sure your child is prepared to do so by sending in the appropriate outerwear.
If you have any questions or concerns, please know you can email me anytime!
Miss Pascal
Mrs. Taylor