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Welcome to October in Enrichment!

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you've heard about all the exciting things that we've been up to this week. But in case you haven't, I'm here to fill in some details.

First, ask your kids about Karate! Sensei Michael visited us for the first time on Wednesday. He taught us that we're all teachers, some different ways to show respect, and our first stance. We're looking forward to seeing him for the next 5 Wednesdays!


October is Community Helper Month at Jack and Jill. We'll have community helpers visit to tell us about how they help and what they do. Today Firefighter Nick (AKA Sgt. Sheehan, and Dad!) came to talk to us about being a firefighter! He told us about having morning meetings, different jobs around the station, and snacks with his friends! We do all those things too! He also showed us how he gets dressed when he has to go out on a call, assuring the children each step of the way that he's still Firefighter Nick, even when he's all covered up in his protective gear. Thanks Nick! The kids had a great time!

Firefighter Nick.jpg

Our (really BIG) book this week was An Apple a Day by Melvin Berger. This non-fiction book taught us about how apples grow, that they can be different colors, and some yummy things we can make from them! It inspired some of our centers this week! We also let the children vote between There Is A Bird On Your Head ( an Elephant and Piggie book), and The Pigeon Needs a Bath!, both by Mo Willems, to see what we would read on Wednesday morning. The vote came in for Elephant and Piggie! But, not to let anyone down, we read about the pigeon today. They loved getting involved in the story! Some ways you could get your kids involved while you're reading to them are...

Take a picture walk before you read it to them. Let them tell you what they think it could be about.

Ask them questions about the page you just finished. "How does Pigeon feel right now?" "What would you do next?"

Talk about what your favorite part of the book was, and ask them theirs.

Point out, or have them point out, the first letter of their name when it shows up in the book.

I hope these help! Enjoy reading to them on this long weekend!

What was new in centers this week?

Sensory- The children made apple and pumpkin pies using stuffed pumpkins, pom poms, and felt pie crusts!

Apple pie.jpgApple pie 3.jpgApple pie 2.jpg

Art- Using construction paper and (what I think is going to be a class favorite) glue, we made our own apples. We practiced our ripping skills to develop those finger muscles.

Rip and glue apples.jpg

Easel- We decorated pumpkin and leaf papers with dot markers.

Math- This table was split this week. Ask your kids about the Apple Taste Test we did on Tuesday! We tried slices of red, green, and yellow apples, and the children voted for their favorite! The results are hanging on the bulletin board in the hallway! We also used fall shapes to complete patterns.

Discovery- Your little scientists made apple volcanoes this week! They scooped baking soda into a cored apple, then squirted vinegar into it! They had a LOT of fun with this!

Pretend- The children ripped tape, used crayons, and their building skills to decorate and create with empty boxes and other recycled materials.

Imagination creations.jpg

We hope you have a wonderful long weekend! We look forward to seeing you again next Wednesday!


Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor


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