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Welcoming November in the 3's!

Between Literacy Month Spirit Days and holidays, November is a busy month. Here are some dates to keep in mind!

11/11- NO SCHOOL

11/16- PJ Story time- 6:30pm via Zoom

11/17- Favorite Vacation Day

11/24 & 11/25- NO SCHOOL

Also, as the weather gets cooler I want to remind everyone of our pickup policy. As described on pages 6&7 of our handbook, the first 3 cars should get out to pick up at the gate or glass door at a time. I know that it's easier to do that when we dismiss from the gate, but we don't want too many little bodies walking around the parking lot at one time, no matter where we dismiss. Especially as it gets colder, the parking lot has the potential to be slippery and the farther you and your child have to walk to the car the greater the possibility of a fall. Also, it's an opportunity for them to practice waiting. This difficult skill for 2 and 3 year olds only gets better with practice! Thank you for understanding!

This Thursday Mrs. G came in to do some music with us! That's right! We have Mr. G (who reads us stories) and Mrs. G (who does music with us). And yes, they are husband and wife (and a pretty special Mom and Dad, in my opinion). She read and sang The Leopard's Drum: An Asante Tale from West Africa by Jessica Souhami. We all got to pick an animal from the story to pretend to be, and play her drum when our animal showed up on the page.

Today we read Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. It's a fun book about a pile of leaves that looked like a person. The wind blew leaf man all over the place, where he got to see birds, fish, cows, and orchards, all made from leaves. It's a great book for learning how to see things in a different way.

What was NEW in CENTERS?

Art- We made our own leaf pictures! The children gathered leaves from the playground and used them to make their own leaf creations.

Sensory table- We have scrapbooking paper, fun scissors, shaped hole punches and stickers to create, and to practice our fine motor skills!

Easel- Sticky paper leaves- The children used colored tissue paper to fill in a sticky paper leaf.

Pretend center- We have a Veterinarian's Office! The children are taking such good care of the animals! They're taking their temperature, looking in their ears, and giving them treats. We have such caring "vets" in our class!

Block area- We've added a playhouse with furniture, people, and cars! This is a big hit!

We hope you all enjoy the beautiful weekend!


Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor


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