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Wrapping up February in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

We got right back into our routine this week after having a week off and had a great week.

****We will be starting “Star of the Day” next week. This goes together with taking “Flat Teddy” home to chronicle your child’s weekend! Each year we have a class stuffed animal that takes a turn visiting each child’s house while you chronicle via pictures and descriptions of the activities. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, I am sending home an 8X10 picture of Teddy. When it is your child’s turn , you will receive a bag with the picture, a book and instructions!

When they bring the bag back to school- They are the STAR of the day. It is a show and tell day just for them. Each Wednesday will feature one child. You will receive the bag on a Thursday and it is due back in school on Wednesday!

Dramatic Play- Last week for the Doctors office, this was a hit with the whole class!

Discovery Table- We made pinecone birdfeeders. We covered pinecones in sun butter and sprinkled with nut free bird seen!

Art Table- B-Bee’s B-Beaver

Art Easel- Wet chalk drawings

The Reading Street book this week was –Miss Mary Mack by Mary Ann Hoberman.

( Description of book from scholastic books)

“Everyone knows some version of this popular hand-clapping rhyme, in which Miss Mary Mack borrows 50 cents from her mother to watch an elephant jump so high over a fence that he reaches the sky and doesn't come back until the Fourth of July. But who has stopped to think what might happen when the ultimately gravitationally controlled elephant lands? Well, popular children's poet Mary Ann Hoberman thought about it, and her clever adaptation of the rhyme is a marvelous extension of the nonsensical fun. Appearing in the sky like a UFO, the elephant disrupts the neighborhood picnic (and makes a big hole in the backyard), but wins the heart of young Mary, who begs him to stay. The two live happily ever after in a world filled with hay dinners and peanut tea, and they jump the fence together, parachuting gently down into the backyard, which now sports an elephant-shaped swimming pool. “

The second time I read the book, the children were helping with the repeating part. They did a great job. We talked all about real vs pretend. I asked the children to come up with their own ending for the story, and we were amazed at the different endings they came up with!!

We will be moving on to diagonal letters… next letter will be- R.

Show and tell will be on Tuesday.


Robin Pascal


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