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Starting 2024 Off Right in the 3's!

Hi everyone!


We hope you all had a good break and a relaxing holiday (lol, I know! I'm talking to the parents of preschoolers here! Relaxing is not in their vocabulary!)


Well, we started the year off with lots of new things in the classroom! Our book this week was Snowballs by Lois Ehlert. This story about making a snow family, and feeding the birds is brought to life with Lois Ehlert's unique art style. She uses things found in everyday life, in addition to painted paper cut up to form her pictures. It's a beautiful book that gives lots to look at, and talk about with your little one!


What was NEW in centers this week?

Art- The children made their own snow people, just like Lois! They also colored and sprayed coffee filters to make the snowflakes that are hanging in our windows.

Easel- We decorated our own hats by matching shape stickers to the shapes on hat pictures.

Math- Using a felt board and winter pictures we played a matching game.

Playdough- We have "Snow"dough this month! White playdough with snowman and snowflake dough cutters.

Pretend center- We have boxes with different buttons and faces on them to make a snowman, a clothesline with mittens, hats, and clothespins, and we're even doing some ice fishing (magnetic fishing poles, and magnetic fish in an "ice" box)

Discovery- Magnetic letter tracing boards

Blocks-The children now get to add calico critters with a toy house, and cars with a road rug to their choices in the block area.

Sensory table- Playing with fake snow (baking soda and hair conditioner), arctic animals, and cups made for lots of fun in the table!


We also did some great dancing this week!


SPECIAL REQUEST- We would appreciate it if you could all check your child's extra pair of clothes for the appropriate size and season. Thanks!


Have a great weekend!

Christina Renoni and Julie Haynes 


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