Celebrating Valentine's Day in Pre-K 1!
Hi Everyone, We certainly fit a whole lot into our week! On Monday, we attended the Valentine's Dance in Fellowship Hall with the other...

Celebrating Valentine's Day in the 3's!
Hi all! We love to love at Jack and Jill, and what better time to celebrate that than around Valentine's Day? REMINDER: Jack and Jill is...

Celebrating Valentine's Week in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families, How is it already February vacation? Time is flying by for sure. We had a busy week and enjoyed celebrating...

Celebrating Valentine's Week in Enrichment!
Hi all! We had a fun/ love/music/dance filled week in Enrichment this week! We started off with our Valentine's Dance in Fellowship Hall,...

Celebrating Valentine's Week in Pre-K 2!
Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families, It’s hard to believe that February break is here! The children might welcome the time off from school...

February Fun in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families, What a beautiful afternoon it is, weather like the is so refreshing and just we we needed after last weekend...