February Fun in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
What a beautiful afternoon it is, weather like the is so refreshing and just we we needed after last weekend being so cold. We had a busy week in our classroom with a few visitors and working out a new Panda Problem. The kids having been loving the pretend center and using the tape and markers to decorate the boxes we also have stuffed animals for them to use so they have been enjoying making things for them.
Here are a few things that will be happening next week:
Monday- Please bring in something that is the color RED for our show and tell. We ask that everyone brings their object in when they come into the classroom, we do not check backpacks until later in the morning so if they leave it in their backpack we will not see it. Thank you!
-We also are having our Valentine's Day dance in Fellowship Hall on Monday. We will be joining the other classes for some fun time dancing and celebrating together.
Tuesday- Happy Valentine's Day. Please make sure to bring in their decorated boxes. If they are passing out Valentine's to their classmates make sure there is no candy or food to pass out. We have 13 friends in our classroom. We will be having a special treat of Oreos after snack!
Friday- Last day of school before our February Vacation.
Here is what we did in the classroom this week:
Math Table~ Rainbow pebble stones for building and making the pictures on the cards.
Discovery Table~ We had Floam and ice cream cups and cones and of course some scoopers too. They enjoyed topping off their ice cream creations with some heart sprinkles.
Art/Writing Table~ This week we had heart window sun catchers made with contact paper and tissue paper, as well as water color painting. They enjoyed all the stamps, stickers and card making supplies at the table as well.
Easel~ Dot markers and markers to decorate hearts. They were all very creative and they are now decorating our classroom bulletin board.
It looked like Spilt Milk
Arctic Animals
Mat Man Wiggle your Fingers
Listen and Move Animal Action
Wiggling Dance Thunder
Mrs. Lehane came in and read on Monday and read a Skippyjon Jones book.
Mr. G read on Thursday and read the book Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcake
Thursday morning we had our Seeds of Stem activity. Panda had a problem and we all had to come up with ideas on how we were going to get the plastic hearts out of the ice blocks so Panda could give them to his Mom and to someone special. The kids all came up with some great ideas and we then voted on the two that we thought would be the safest. We put one in our classroom on the shelf and the other one outside in the sun. They both melted during the morning and we were able to give Panda the hearts which made him very happy. Please see the attached picture of all of their ideas!
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg
