Celebrating Valentine's Week in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
How is it already February vacation? Time is flying by for sure. We had a busy week and enjoyed celebrating Valentine's together. The kids enjoyed passing out their cards to their friends, and we had a special treat at snack time too. Thank you for our yummy treats and cards. The dance on Monday was a lot of fun for all, "DJ" Mr. Fyrberg did a great job picking out the music!!
~Please make sure your child has a spoon (if needed) and napkin in their lunch boxes each day, we have been talking a lot about table manners and eating nicely at the table. We do not eat our snack until around 10:45 so if your child has something that needs be refrigerated an ice pack in the lunchbox is a good idea.
~ Please save all of your toilet paper rolls during vacation for an upcoming project! Thank you!
~ There will be NO show and tell on Monday February 27.
Here is what we did in the classroom this week:
Math Table~ Number Hunt 1-10.
Discovery Table~ Monday and Tuesday we had valentine's sensory bottles on the table for the kids to shake and look at. The rest of the week we had the light table and animal X-rays for the kids to explore and compare to the actual photograph of the animal.
Easel~ Free art with markers
Art/ Writing Table~ The kids enjoyed painting with different size cups and tubes using pink, red or purple paint, they are all hanging up in the hallway on the bulletin board. Today we had watercoloring which is always a class favorite. We had lots of varieties of paper for the kids to write on or to cut with the scissors.
Sensory Table~ Assorted balls, tubes, ramps and pool noodles cut in half. They enjoyed rolling the balls through the tubes and down the ramps or putting them together. to make it more of a challenge.
Pretend Center~ Is now a Vets office. They are loving taking care of the assorted animals we have a the center. There are bandages, shots and stethoscopes for them to use.
Mrs. G came in today and they finished up learning the Teddy bear song, the kids enjoyed being able to bring a stuffed animal to school since they can't every other day!
10 Little Samantha (thank you to Samantha for letting us borrow your book)
Dogs Love Cars
What Pet to Get?
Have you Got my Purr?
Silly Bear Hunt
Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
Rain, Rain Go Away
Animal Action
We hope you all have a wonderful week and we will see everyone on the 27th!
Julie Haynes& Katy Fyrberg
