The Fun Doesn't Stop in the 3's!
Hi everyone!
Fall is in full swing in our classroom, and we're taking full advantage of all the fun things it brings! Ask your little one about gathering leaves for our art project.
Our book this week was Growing Pumpkins by Melvin Berger. This BIG book is a non-fiction book about, you guessed it, growing pumpkins. From seed, to flower, to growing big (or small) and orange. It gave lots of opportunities for asking questions, and having pumpkin related discussions (Lol! Yes, we really did!)
What was NEW in centers this week?
Art- We practised our cutting and gluing skills with our name pumpkins that are hanging in the hallway. We also used the leaves that we gathered from outside to glue onto a big paper leaf. These will decorate our family tree in the classroom.
Leaf decorating.jpg
Easel- Starting with empty trees, the kids used Q-tips to paint leaves.
Empty tree.jpeg
Math- Using different sized stuffed pumpkins, we noticed the differences in size, then separated them into different baskets.
Pretend center- We now have a farmers market in our classroom! The children are having fun buying, selling, cutting, and making different dishes with the food, money and cash register.
Farm stand.jpeg
Writing table- We're also practicing our cutting skills by cutting along the dotted line to the pumpkin at the top of the page.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and hope to see you at the Fall Festival on Saturday!
Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor
