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April Arrives in Enrichment!

Good afternoon Enrichment families! We had a fantastic first week of April. We had our last yoga class on Tuesday. The children enjoyed learning the different breaths, poses and ways to calm our bodies. Thank you to Mrs. Fyrberg for sharing your love of yoga with us! Luckily, we still get to see her in the hallway from time to time when she is with her Mixed Age class! Mrs. Fyrberg played a special song called Just Be by Kira Willey during the savasana (final resting pose at the end of our yoga session) each week. The children really responded to this song and I encourage you to look for it on Spotify, YouTube or amazon music to use with your child when they need help calming their body and mind. Next week, Sensei Michael will be back to continue our karate lessons. Please make sure your child wears clothes they can move easily in- no dresses please.

This week at MORNING MEETING, we read Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin and James Dean. Pete the Cat walks along and steps in giant piles of strawberries, blueberries, a puddle of mud and a bucket of water. Ask your child to tell you what color Pete's shoes turned? We also played an easel game and built Mat Man on the rug.

Here's what's NEW at CENTERS:

Block Area: We added some dinosaur figures and a couple new floor puzzles. The students love puzzles so we try to add a couple new ones every couple of weeks.

Literacy Cart: letter and number magnets and letter find papers with crayons and clipboards

Art Easel: There were papers with eye stickers put up on the easel. The children had lots of ideas of what to make. We had some monsters, mermaids, people and lions. Very creative!

Art Table: We used glue bottles, paper shred, paper circles, google eyes and feathers to make spring bird nests. Our family tree bulletin board needed some spring decor, so we hung them up. They look great! They also did some painting.

Math Table: We had a few different options at this center: a muffin counting game, some matching quantity to numeral puzzles and a color matching button art set

Discovery Table: Who's home? puzzle game- the children had to match pictures of different animals with their homes.

We hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and we look forward to seeing your little ones on Monday!


Brenda & Christina


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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