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Thanks For a Great Year in Enrichment!

Hi everyone!

First, we want to thank you for all the generous and thoughtful gifts, cards, pictures, hugs, and kind words we were given today... and all year. We can't express enough gratitude for the things you've shared with us...including your children. If you wouldn't mind indulging me for a minute, I have a story. As some of you may know, I, Christina Renoni, am a bit of a Musical Theatre Geek! I often listen to the Broadway channel when I need a little pick-me-up, which as you know from dismissal this afternoon, I needed. Well, as I was driving home today what song came on but "Getting to Know You" from The King and I. For those that don't know it, the first few lines are...

It's a very ancient saying,

But a true and honest thought,

That if you become a teacher,

By your pupils you'll be taught.

As a teacher I've been learning,

(You'll forgive me if I boast)

And I've now become an expert

on the subject I like most...

Getting to know you!

You can imagine how THAT turned out! Suffice to say, the tissue box in my car is quite a bit lighter now. 

Honestly though, thank you for sharing your little loves with us. It's an honor and a privilege to know that you trust us with something that's so important to you.  And throughout this year (or two years, for some) they have become an important piece of us too.

Okay, moving away from the mushy stuff. This week we had a lot of fun! So much so that we forgot to take pictures. We do have one very important one though. I ask that you print this picture to complete their portfolio. It's the only picture with the whole class!

Today we read Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss. Reading it as an adult, you may think it's too deep for the kids to understand. But that's the beauty of Dr. Seuss. He writes things that can be understood on different levels, depending on your life experiences leading up to that point. They understood the main point of the book, which is to keep moving forward, and to keep learning new things.

Our new centers this week were...

Art- Color mixing experiments. The children started with the primary colors and mixed them in small batches to make their own colors! They also used paper, scissors, tape, markers, and stickers to make their own free art!

Easel- Last day of school coloring pictures

Math- Using buttons as cherries we put the right number of cherries on top of ice cream cones with different numbers on them.

Discovery- Ocean animal sensory bottles

We want to wish you all a happy and safe summer! Enjoy this time with your little ones!

With love,

Christina Renoni and Julie Haynes


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