Thanks For a Great Year in 5 Day Pre-K!
Hi Everyone,
Our last three days together were fun-filled. On Monday, Mrs. Lehane was in to read to us. She read Move That Mountain by Kate & Jol Temple. "A whale is stranded on the beach but the tiny puffins are too small to help....or are they? Read the book in see what they can do." It was a great story to end our year with! On Tuesday, we celebrated the children with summer birthdays. On Wednesday, we celebrated our last day of school with popsicles. Congratulations to the Graduates!
This week we read Edgar Graduates and Oh, The Places You'll Go!
Just a reminder, to return your child’s book from our Field Trip to the library if you haven't already.
Other activities:
Discovery: 100 piece puzzle..this was a gift from Mrs. Lehane to our class.
Math Table: Counting fish...using a fishing rod the children were able to catch a fish, hoping they caught one with a number not a boot!
Art Easel: Free Art
Project Table: Symmetrical butterflies
Markers and beach pictures to color
I know I have said it before but I LOVE seeing what the children come up with on their own. At recess on Wednesday, the Farmers Market became Dunkin Donuts and the bench became McDonald's. We collected food from the kitchen in our classroom & brought it outside with us. The children rode bikes and scooters around the pavement visiting both of these 'drive-thrus".
I can't believe this is it! I thank you very much for sharing your children with me this school year! They played, learned and grew so much. I am so proud of each and every one of them. Also, thank you very much for all of the cards, gifts and kind words. It truly meant so much. The scrapbook was so thoughtful and I love it!
Mrs. Kelley
