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More May Memories in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Age Families,

It seems like we say this every week but yikes these weeks are flying. We have been practicing our graduation songs that our kindergarten kids are learning as well as finishing up and getting reading for the end of the school year. It's hard to believe that we are almost done with school. We have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks.

Here is what we had in the classroom this week.

Math Table~ Numbered ice cream cones and ice cream scoops with pompoms for counting. They enjoyed putting the cones and scoops together and decorating them with the colorful pompoms.

Discovery Table~ Clothespins and colorful popsicle sticks to build with.

Easel~ Painting with citrus fruits; on Monday & Tuesday we had green paint and limes and on Wednesday and Thursday there was orange paint and oranges to paint with. Friday we had hot air balloon coloring sheets with markers.

Art/Writing Table~ Ice cream cones, they each were able to pick put a cone and pick how many scoops they wanted. We had some really long ones and of course we had cherries for the top!! There were X writing sheets and ice cream and assorted coloring sheets to choose from on the writing table.

Pretend Center~ We had the flower shop most of the week but today we switched it to a barbecue, there was burgers, hot dogs, french fries and onion rings and a gas grill to cook the food on.. for dessert they has frosted cookies.


Gray Rabbits 123

Dogs Love Cars


Silly Bear Hunt

Wiggling Dance

Wiggle your Fingers

Mrs. T came in on Thursday. Everyone was excited to see her and enjoyed singing along to 5 Green and Speckled Frogs as well as the Stand up, Sit Down song. To end her time with us she sang a color popsicle song.

Playground: Now that the weather is getting warmer we ask that everyone wear close toed shoes to school, it is easier to run and play with toes protected in sneakers. Thank you in advance!!

Field Trip to the Attleboro Fire Station on Tuesday May 24. Please make sure to fill out the permission slip and turn in in to us next week and if you are interested in chaperoning please let us know. We look forward to a fun day and thank you to Mr. Sheehan (Ellie's Dad) for setting it up!!

Show and tell letter next week is going to be the letter Y, please bring in1 item on Monday morning :)

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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