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November News in Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families,

Our first week of November went well, there has been some nice sunny weather and the kids enjoyed the new centers we have out this month in our classroom. Now that the weather is getting cooler we ask that you send in hats and mittens and put them in the sleeve of their coats daily so when we are getting dressed for recess time everything is with them. Thank you in advance!

Here is what we had at the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Colored counting bears and cards.

Discovery Table~ People and colored sorting houses.

Easel~ Painting with paper towel tubes to make circles and watercolor painting.

Art/Writing Table~ Paper plate turkeys: they painted the plate with cotton balls and added the turkey face and feet, they are now hanging up on the bulletin board. Yesterday and today they used Dot stickers to make their names.They were also coloring turkeys for our Turkey song we are performing for the Friendship Feast for the other classes (we will video tape it to send to everyone the day of our feast). The lyrics to our song that we are learning is at the end of this email.

Play dough~ Is Brown and we have goggly eyes, popsicle sticks and little feet made out of pipe cleaners. There is cookie cutter leaves as well as play dough tools.

Sensory~ Has dried corn, beans, Pom Poms, leaves and acorns to sort through.

Pretend Center~ The kids have been loving the Vet Center and doing a great job taking care of all of the animals.

Activity Board~ HandWriting Without Tears wooden lines and curves magnet pieces and little plastic circles magnets.


If you Give a Pig a Party

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (big book)

Five Little Monkeys reading in the Bed (on CD)

If you Give a Cat a Cupcake


Let it Go (Frozen) Wiggle Your Fingers

Freeze Dance Animal Action

Hamster Dance Can't Stop the Feeling (Trolls)

Silly Bear Hunt

The Letter of the week next week is F, please bring in one item that begins with the letter F into the classroom on Monday.

Literacy Month!!! Keep reading those books so we can fill up the bulletin board with balloons!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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