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A Fun Week in Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families, What a great week at school this week. We were all so happy the weather was so nice and we did not have to wear hats and mittens today!!! Hard to believe that Spring will be here a week from Saturday. Here is what we did in the classroom this week. Math Table~ Shape Hunt. The kids loved the number hunt a few weeks ago so this week we had shapes hidden around the room using their clip boards to hold the checklist and went on the hunt. They had fun and did a great job and even helped each other if they needed it!! Discovery~ Magnet builders. This was a popular place all week, they enjoyed connecting the magnets together and making shapes & structures with them. Art/Writing Table~ Pot of Gold activity please see attached photo attached to this email. Free art and shamrock stickers were there as well. Easel~ Painting with big marshmallows using green paint. It was messy but so much fun!! Listening Center~ Penguin's Big Adventure By Salina Yoon The block and puzzles and games rug has been very busy lately, They have enjoyed the parking garage, pipe builders, magnetic balls and sticks and an animal floor puzzle. Books: What Magnets can do ( this book started a whole conversation about what things were medal in the classroom. We used one of the magnets to test it on a lot of objects around our classroom to figure it out. Please , Puppy, Please By Spike and Tonya Lewis Lee Brown Bear, Brown Bear By Bill Martin Jr. Music~ Silly Bear Hunt Freeze Dance Wiggle your Fingers Hamster Dance Animal Action Letter Q is our letter of the week next week. Please bring in 1 item on Monday for show and tell. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you can. all get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!! Regards, Julie Haynes


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