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Another Great Week in the 3's!

Hi everyone!

What a beautiful week we had! Our school days were filled with fun, blocks, art, books, and plenty of outdoor time! We hope you get to enjoy the nice weather too!

Our book this week was A Rainbow Of My Own by Don Freeman. What would we do if we could catch a rainbow and become friends with it? This book gives us some great ideas!

What was NEW in centers?

Art- Abstract shared art- The children each chose a color to paint with, then moved around the table to different papers, using that color. Making art together is awesome!

Easel- Guitar watercolor painting

Math- Sound matching game- shake the squares to match the sounds

Pretend Center- We have some pretty caring doctors in our class. Everyone helped to take care of each other and the babies!

We're also having lots of fun with the blocks, magnatiles, cars, and letterbots!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and we'll see you next Thursday (if we don't see you at the Spaghetti Supper tomorrow night!)


Ashlee Taylor and Christina Renoni


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