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Happy New Year in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Age Families,

I hope this email finds you all warm, cozy and healthy. The new year did not start out as planned and I am hopeful that the new surge will be over soon and we can move past all the sickness that is around. We can do this!!

The days that some of us had together this week went very well, they were all enjoying being together and busy playing at the new activities we had in the classroom.

Here is what we had at the centers:

Math Table~ The kids enjoyed the shape hunt they was at the table. The checklists of shapes were on a clipboard and they walked around the classroom looking for the shapes hanging around the classroom, They were helpful to each other when they needed some guidance. We will be doing more hunts around the room as the school year moves forward.

Discovery Table~ Snowmen sensory bags. Gallon size ziplock bags with a snowman drawn on the outside, the bags were filled with some hair gel and assorted snowman pieces to move around to decorate the snowman.

Art Table~ Name Snowmen. Everyone decorated the head of the snowman and each letter of their name was on the other snowballs, some of the snowmen were very tall and some were short. They are hanging on the bulletin board in the hallway, I will take a picture and send it in next weeks email.

Easel~ Painting with forks to make polar bears. They used white paint to make the fur and when it was dry they glued on the face pieces to complete the polar bear. They were pretty cute!

Sensory Table~ We now have sand and fossils in the table. They kids enjoyed using the brushes and magnifying glasses to get a closer look at the fossils. There was also rocks, geodes and some small shells.

Pretend Center~ Is now a cleaning supplies, our classroom has never looked so good. They have been dusting, scrubbing, vacuuming, and sweeping as well as taking care of the babies.

Play-doh~ Is now white, they have assorted snowmen pieces to decorate with as well as winter cookies cutters.


The Biggest, Best, Snowman By Margery Cuyler

There was a Cold Lady By Lucille Colandro


Freeze Dance

Silly Bear Hunt x2

Bear Hunt x2

There will be no letter of the week next week so we will not be having show and tell. It will resume the following week.

We will see some of you on Monday morning and the rest we will see on the zoom call at 9:15 on Monday morning!

Be Well,

Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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