January Joy in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
We hope this email finds you all well ready for the long weekend. This kids had a very productive fun week at school, everyone is doing such a great job using our planning chart during our center time. It was a rainy week but thankfully we were able to get out to play some, we need our outside time!
Here is what we did in the classroom this week:
Math Table: Snowmen with different colored hats with numbers on them. They had to put that number of buttons on the snowman.
Discovery Table: Snowman sensory bags; Ziplock bags taped shut with clear blue hair gel and buttons, pom poms, and a carrot nose, they moved the pieces around to decorate the snowman outline drawn on the outside of the bag.
Art/Writing Table: Melted snowman activity using a paper plate and small white circles, they glued them together and added the finishing touches to create their snowman. They also been putting together snow globes and some of the finished ones are hanging on the bulletin board in the hallway. They also had mitten decorating using shape stampers and hearts a stars to glue on if they wanted to put some on.
Easel: Snowflakes using white dot stickers and chalk
Tacky the Penguin
Mr. Brown can Moo can you?
Where's my Teddy
Five Little Monkeys with nothing to do
Peppa Pig you can be Anything
Let it Go
Stand up, Sit Down
We are the Dinosaurs
Bear Hunt
Mrs. T came in to our classroom today. She sang us the Gingerbread story while she played her guitar and showed us the pictures from the story and we got to sing along too. We danced to the BOOTS song using our snow boots, rain boots, hopping boots and dancing boots. We pretended to bears. bats and frogs when she sang the hibernation song. She ended her time with us by showing us the Limber jack instrument and we got to see him make sounds while he danced around. So fun!!
Have a nice long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday!
Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg
