More Fun in 4 Day Pre-K!
Hello Families!
I can't believe it is already Spring (it hasn't felt like it though with these cold temperatures) We go outside everyday unless it is TOO cold so please continue to send in a coat, hat and mittens. Reminder that we have NO school on Wednesday March 27th due to parent teacher conferences. Also Monday the 25th is "Workout Clothes" dress-up day if your child wants to participate. These are always optional!
-At the Math Center the kids got to play a game called "Count The Chickens"
-At the Art Table the kids got to make "K" kites and "sun" handprints that will be displayed on our bulletin board
-At the Discovery Table we had different objects for them to practice lacing with. This is really good for their fine motor skills!
-At the Writing Table we had more "K" worksheets and books.
-At the Easel we had a variety of "March" and "Spring" coloring sheets
-My Truck Is Stuck
-Spring Stinks
-The Butterfly That Could
-Bernstein Bears & Too Much TV
In our class we have been talking a lot about kindness and respect. We have been having an issue with a lot of talking when it's not an appropriate time especially during circle time or when any teacher is talking. This is something that is very important as they move onto Kindergarten so we are really trying to work on this with them!
Our letter of the Week is A! As always show and tell is on Tuesday and Wednesday (pick 1 day please to bring in something to share).
We hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
Mrs. Deighan & Mrs. Derbyshire
