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More October Fun in Pre-K 1

Hi Everyone,

Important reminder: Book Grams are for sale! Please stop by the middle room (there is a sign when you come down the stairs) at drop-off and purchase a book for your child. The cost is $3. You can write a special message & the book will be delivered to them in our classroom in November. Thank you!

We had a great week in our classroom!

We started a new Reading Street Unit called Going Places. Our book this week was The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort. "Two children and their parents board a city bus on their way to a party. At the next stop, who should get on but a group of seals who holler "errp, errp, errp" at the top of their lungs. Each time the bus stops a new kind of animal joins the passengers". The children loved it! Make sure to ask them about the animals that boarded the bus and what ends up happening that causes the people to say "help, help, help". Our Reading Street song was Monkeys on the Bus. Vocabulary words we talked about were bus, monkeys, party, seals, town and vipers.

Our Letter Song this week was Tam Put on a Tank.

We also read When The Leaf Blew In by Steve Metzger. We talked about the sequence in each of our stories this week and the children did a great job with this skill.

We listened to Click, Clack, Boo! by Doreen Cronin.

Other activities included:

Math: Count & Link Activity Kit....the children would count out links to match to numbers 1-20 and attach the links to the cards

Project Table: T is for last day for the friends that wanted to make an apple tree. They worked hard lacing the ribbon/yarn around their tree and glued apples to it.

The children were able to make a candy corn. They ripped the paper, matched the correct color on their paper and glued it on.

We also made name trains. I loved the way these came out. The children counted how many letters are in their first name. They wrote each letter on a car of the train....then put the train together. I smiled taking them off the drying rack. Each one was unique & wonderful....I saw one with a steering wheel and a person with a big smile as a conductor, I saw an engine that was dark with just 2 eyes looking out because it was "nighttime".

There were also turtle worksheets and watercolors available.

Play Doh: It's still orange and with rollers, scissors, cookie cutters and stampers to use. I did attach pictures of a couple creations that were made this week....a turtle for our Letter of the Week and a watch.

Writing Table: T Worksheets, T Booklets, paper and seasonal stamps

Art Easel: Pumpkin templates with markers and crayons

Discovery: Learn to Recycle...6 different recycling bins & pieces to sort

The children have been having so much fun at recess. We have been lucky to have had such beautiful weather this week.

They have been busy playing dinosaur tag, riding bikes, digging/burying treasure in the sand box and raking leaves.

Looking ahead, next week our Letter of the Week will be I. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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