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More October Fun in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a great week in Pre-K!

The letter of the week was letter H and we had a wonderful show and tell! You may have heard that I have started doing assessments, I really enjoy the one on one time with the children! Report cards and parent conferences will be coming in November- stay tuned for specific dates!

We did have one cold morning this week and we had some chilly children! Please start sending a hat and mittens in the back pack, then they will be there if and when needed! Thank you to those that didJ

Next letter is T

Show and tell on Tuesday for letter T.

This is what is going on in our centers!

Dramatic Play- The children are still loving their Apple and Pumpkin stand.

Art Easel- This week the children made pumpkins using a pool noodle piece to stamp a circle. They had to fill in the hole with paint, add a stem, vine and a leaf.

Math Center- This week at the math center, there were pumpkins to count and a Balance the Beans game. They loved this game, it was definitely a challenge!!

Discovery Table- The discovery table this week was all about sinking vs. floating. The children were asked to test different objects to see if the objects would float or sink. They had to make a guess before they did the test. Today the experiment was…Will a pumpkin sink or float??? There was a worksheet to make their predictions and then add the results.

Art Table- The children could make a H-Horse, Natural leaf wreath with leaves collected outside and a mosaic corn.

This weeks Reading Street book was… Sweet Dreams: How Animals Sleep. By Kimiko Kajikawa. Our reading selection this week was all about animals and where they sleep. We learned about animals that sleep in trees, animals that sleep with their eyes open, and animals that sleep standing up. Vocabulary words were- rest, doze, float, hang , koalas, and sloths.

Reading Street Song was- “Where are you sleeping?”

H- Song was , Way up High Here on this Hill.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Pascal

Mrs. Taylor


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