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Moving Through March in Enrichment

Hi everyone!

I hope you all got to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather the past few days! I hear it's going to be nice for the next few, as well, so if you didn't get it the first's New England... wait a half hour, it'll come around again. The nice weather also had me thinking about how we're all going to have tan lines from our masks this year, so we might want to start thinking about putting sunscreen on the kids faces before they come to school. I know I am!

Last week I promised you pictures of the kids beautiful pinwheels that they painted with Ms. Brenna, and I didn't forget, plus some of the pinwheels being created!

And this week in art we read Sticks by Diane Alber, about a stick who was very sad because it's popsicle melted too quickly, and it felt like it was just a bare stick. In the end it learned that it's okay to be a stick and that the popsicle didn't define him. I hope you enjoyed seeing the popsicles they made as much as the kids liked making them! A project the Ms. Brenna prepared for us, but we didn't get to during our time on Tuesday was Cheerio Bird Feeders. The kids had a great time sliding cheerios onto pipe cleaners to give a snack to our feathered friends.

Today was Tie Dye Day! Next Wednesday is Class Color Day, and our class color is BLUE!!

Our book this week was Kylie Kangaroo's Karate Kickers by Barbara deRubertis. It's from a series called Animal Antics A to Z, where there is one book devoted to each letter of the alphabet, using a classroom of animals for each letter (exp. Alexander Anteater, Bobby Baboon, Corky Cub and so on). In this one, Kylie Kangaroo learns karate from Koora Koala, the King of the Karate Kickers. Kylie thinks she needs a special kerchief to do well, but she learns that practice and hard work are the key, not the kerchief.

This week in CENTERS...

Yellow Bins- Matching puzzles and a foam letter puzzle

Blue Bin- K letter finder with dot markers

Art- Color your own kite

Soon we'll be working on learning our address and phone number. Seeing as how there can be multiple phone numbers connected to one family, it can make it extra hard to learn. Please email me back with the phone number you would like your child to learn. Thank you so much!

This is a reminder that there is no school Tuesday, the 30th because of conferences. I look forward to seeing your whole face then!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Christina Renoni

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