Moving Through March in Mixed Age
Hello Mixed Age Families,
Spring is in the air and we are so excited for the nice weather, soon the buds will be popping out of the trees and the flowers will be starting to bloom. This week was quick and the kids really had a fun productive few days. They have really formed some nice friendships and are doing a good job looking out for each other.
Here is what we did this week at the centers:
Math Table~ The kids went on a rainbow color hunt around the classroom. They certainly love going on their hunts!!!
Discovery Table~ Air flow activity using 2 sponges and a straw in a ziplock sandwich bag. The kids used pompoms and little cups and pushed on the sponges to make the air come out of the straw. They had races, they tried to blow the pompoms across the table as well as blowing the pompoms into the small cups.
Art Table~ Paper plate rainbows. They started with a paper plate cut in half, then added the sun and "cotton ball" clouds, the next step was to glue on the rainbow pieces and finally the rain drops. We talked about how a rainbow forms; there needs to be the sun, and rain together to make a rainbow.
Easel~ Water color spring pictures
Listening Center~ The Koala that Could By Rachel Bright
Snack time is a great time to have conversations. The topic of conversations lately have been smoke detectors, fire sprinklers (we have them on our classroom ceiling) and where everyone lives (knowing their addresses is a good skill to have)!
Do you want to be my Friend? By Eric Carle
Spring Surprise BY Anna Jane Hays
Rain By Marion Dane Bauer
Stand up, Sit Down
Silly Bear Hunt
Bear Hunt
Baby Shark
I've Been Working on the Railroad
Letter S is our letter of the week. Please bring in 1 item on Monday for show and tell!!
No school on Tuesday March 30, as we are holding conferences. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Julie Haynes