Week 11 in Mixed Age
Hello Mixed Age Families, This week went by so fast as they seem to do each week. We were busy and has some fun things to do together. Luckily the weather has not been too cold yet, please remember to pack hats and mittens each day for your child. We go out even in the very cold days and the playground always seems to be a wind tunnel. Thank you in advance. Here is what we did in the classroom this week: Math~ Numbered locks 1-5 and keys to match. The kids really enjoyed this activity this week so I left it out. Discovery~ Decorate the Turkey with feathers. A red colander with a turkey body attached and colored feathers to stick in the holes. Art/Writing~ Handprint Turkey's that will be turned into their crowns for our Friendship Celebration that will be held on Tuesday next week. There was also stickers and paper as well as letter C sheets. Easel~ Painting with feathers. They loved this and really enjoy painting, Today we had turkey sheets and watercolor painting to do. Listening Center~ Don't Worry Douglas By David Melling Books we read: Spots, Feathers & Curly Tails By Nancy Tafuri Bear Sees Colors By Karma Wilson How Big Could your Pumpkin Grow By Wendell Minor Music: Wiggling Dance Stand up, Sit Down Baby Shark Freeze Dance Today we were able to watch a sing along with Mrs. T from Tunes for Tots. My computer was set up on the shelf so the kids could see and the kids were able to sing and dance along with her. Mrs.T has been coming to Jack & Jill for many years and this year because of Covid she has not been able to join us each month. It was very exciting to have her with us in this way!! Letter D is our show and Tell next week!!! We have been working on our song for our Friendship Celebration next week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Warm Regards,
Julie Haynes
